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The Dream City is Tunis – part 1: The Maps of Dignity

by Juliette Remond-Tiedrez The Dream City festival is a Tunisian art festival that takes place every two years since 2007. All the events are somehow politically engaged as the festival “addresses and deals with the social and political realities of Tunis in a fragile global context”, including among others migration, democracy, human rights, environmental crimes […]

‘Art and Human Rights’: Book Launch

INVITATION TO VIRTUAL BOOK LAUNCH FRIDAY 9 JUNE FROM 4PM CET ‘Art and Human Rights – A Multicultural Approach to Contemporary Issues‘ Edward Elgar Publishing Eds. Fiana Gantheret, Nolwenn Guibert and Sofia Stolk Painting by artist Roula El Derbas https://www.roulaelderbas.com     Creating Rights is delighted to invite you to the launch of the book : […]


by Juliette Remond-Tiedrez I mainly wanted to go the Institut du monde arabe (IMA – Arab world institute) last Monday to see Amal. Amal, which means hope in Arabic and is a female name, is the 3.5 meter puppet representing the millions of Syrian children having had to flee Syria and migrate to Europe. She […]

Movies That Matter 2021 – Online

By Fiana Gantheret, Director On Friday 16 April will start the 2021 edition of the Movies That Matter festival. This Hague-based international movies festival offers the audience around 70 films in six competitions programmes. The mission of the festival is to “open eyes for human rights”, through “screening of human rights related films and the […]

Music as a Healing Tool for the Yazidi Genocide Victims

By Juliette Remond-Tiedrez In their Acting Together on the World Stage documentary, Theatre Without Borders and Brandeis University argued that art could be used as a way to resist oppression, to reconcile, to raise awareness about human rights violations but also as a way to heal and to reconstruct oneself. Since I’ve watched the documentary, […]

Story of a poet telling his fight against the Al Assad regime

By Juliette Rémond-Tiédrez Being confined for nearly two months gave me loads of time to listen to podcasts and read more. Somewhat by coincidence my reading and listening started focusing on the ongoing Syrian civil war. This focus on Syria started with Omar Youssef Suleiman’s latest book Le Dernier Syrien, the Last Syrian. Omar Youssef […]

Unsung Heroes

By Juliette Remond-Tiedrez  Since the beginning of October, the small Galerie Jospeh in the centre of Paris has been holding the exhibition Unsung heroes created by photographer Denis Rouvre and the NGO Médecins du monde, Doctors of the World. The exhibition gathers more than 60 portraits of women from all around the world. As an […]

The Ship of Tolerance

By Juliette Remond-Tiedrez, In the middle of London, in between the Tate Modern museum and Saint Paul’s cathedral stands, or rather floats, the Ship of Tolerance, 14th edition. Picture taken by Alexander Royall The Ship of Tolerance is a patchwork of paintings made by schoolchildren with different ethnic and social backgrounds. In the case of the […]